For centuries and centuries, highly educated philosophers and religious men alike have always stood toe-to-toe disagreeing on “spiritual truth”. In this work, author Ted Even shows that the disagreeing skeptics of the past only serve to reinforce Christ’s radical statement about our need to just “become like little children” to discover the spiritual truth and that everyone has the same opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven on that basis. Find out what this essential quality of heart is as you continue your search for spiritual truth within this simple-to-understand work, which only leaves on the absolute spiritual truth.

About theAUTHOR

ted even author image

Author Ted Even found genuine hope when he decided to give Christ a chance and become a Bible-believing Christian at 18. During the last 36 years after his conversion, he actively studied the Holy Bible (as well as other sources). In his book “Answers for the honest skeptic”, Ted Even shares what he has learned by addressing the 85 most common criticisms of biblical Christianity that skeptics have raised.


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